Amino acids analysis of axis and cotyledons of Medicago truncatula by HPLC

Separation of 21 PTC-amino acids by reverse-phase C18 chromatography

Voir un cours sur la chromatographie.

Voir l'article (2004) Planta 219, 286 - 297.

Derivatized amino acids were separated using two mobile phases :

  • solvent A : aqueous sodium acetate 20 mM, trifluoroacetic acid and triethylamine 0.04%
  • solvent B : acetonitrile
  • flow rate : 1.0 mL/min

The PITC reagent had minor peaks (at 15.9, 17.8, 19.2, 21.4, 26.4 and 27.7 min) that did not interfere with the separation of PTC-amino acids.

Although PTC-Cys was detected as standard, it was not detected in the biological samples.

amino acid analysis Medicago truncatula biochimej

time (min) % A % B increase of B
0 93 7 --------
10 91 9 non linear
13 78 22 linear
23 68 32 non linear
26 20 80 non linear
29 93 7 non linear

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