Amino acids analysis of axis and cotyledons of Medicago truncatula by HPLC - HPLC system used for the separation of PTC - amino acids

Voir un cours sur la chromatographie.

Voir l'article (2004) Planta 219, 286 - 297.

Reverse phase-HPLC was performed using two Waters (Millipore) pumps 510; a Waters UV - visible detector 484; a Rheodyne injection valve 7725i; a Waters busSAT/IN module; a Waters pump control module; a reverse-phase C18 Nova-Pak column 4 µm (3.9 x 300 mm) thermostated at 37°C.

System control and data processing were performed using Millenium 32 chromatography manager software (Waters).

amino acid analysis Medicago truncatula biochimejamino acid analysis Medicago truncatula biochimej

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